Raise your voice & be heard

Building community and creating social change by raising our voices in song

Dedicated to:


Minnesota’s only—and one of the nation’s largest—LGBTQIA+ and straight allies mixed chorus.

Social Justice

We share the untold stories of LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC communities that inspire awareness and social action.

Musical Diversity

Committed to commissioning and performing original works by LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC composers.

We’re Hiring!

Executive Director Opening: One Voice Mixed Chorus 

One Voice Mixed Chorus is an auditioned, 100+ voice mixed-gender, truly intergenerational, BIPOC-led chorus in Minnesota. Our goal is building community and create social change by raising our voices in song. We are seeking an experienced and innovative Executive Director to help lead our organization into a new era of growth. If you are passionate about using the arts for social advocacy and want to play a pivotal role in guiding One Voice Mixed Chorus’ vision and reverberation as a cultural cornerstone, please click here to learn more and submit your application to joinus@onevoicemn.org.

“It was so wonderful to be surrounded by such socially aware Queerness and Queer history.”

-Audience Member

“The Lavender Song”, The Art of Joy Concert 2024

“The choir gives its members a safe space where they feel they belong and are not being judged.”

-Audience Member

Dareoke Fundraiser, Black Hart of St. Paul, 2024

Upcoming events