The power of the full chorus
One Voice Mixed Chorus is a large performing ensemble of 100+ singing members representing the spectrum of the LGBTQIA+ community.
Nope! OVation is an a capella ensemble and does not require accompanying instrumentation.
Several months of advanced notice are required—the more notice we have, the more likely we’ll be able to join you!
The full chorus is available for events during its active season, which runs from September - June. -
Repertoire is determined by the theme of our current season’s concert.
Outdoor events require condenser or broad spectrum cardioid microphones to amplify the chorus.
The full chorus is ideal for larger venues that can accommodate 100+ singers on risers (ex: schools, places of worship, etc.)
We are a nonprofit chorus committed to social justice; as such, there are some events that are not suitable for our organization.
Fill out the form below to inquire about hiring the full chorus for your event.